

In life, people usually want to do different things, want to change something, or themselves, or have some dreams.

It can be everything, always they will be asked « why » ?

And then, in their mind, will come a lot of questions : am I sure I want to do that ? Why do I want to do that ? Do I need to do that ? Is it possible ? Am I able to do that ? Can I do it ? And many more, depending of the people, and of the people surrounding them.

I don’t pretend to have the solution of your mind troubles or your doubts, but here, I’m gonna speak about my own experience :


I’m a traveler, I’ve always loved traveling. Before my actual journey, I used to travel during my holidays. Destinations after destinations, every time I was on the way to a new place, I had the next one in my head. And each time I came back home, being back in my « normal » life was very difficult. But after a while, I had no more destinations in my mind except a long travel around the world, a travel during which one I would not have to worry about the return in France… And then, one day I had the opportunity to do it.

I never asked me « why », and even if, I’m not sure I would have find an answer. And till now, I’m not sure I can give a clear answer. Neither, I didn’t ask me « am I able to do it ? » or  » Is it a good idea ? »

The only thing came in my mind is « why not ? »

I’ve always wanted to travel for a long time, it was my dream, so why not ?

I mean, if we don’t do anything to follow our dreams, we will probably have a life like many people, made by up and down moments, but nothing exciting… For most of the people, a dream stay a dream, but

for me, dreams must be an objective, and then a project, and finally the reality !


So why not ?

Why don’t we take the chance to have an extraordinary life ?

Why couldn’t we be able to do it ?

Why wouldn’t  we be able to live our dreams ?


During my travel, I met a lot of travelers, and I have to say, a lot of long travelers are expecting about travel to find themselves, and very often they have personal questions, about their feeling, about what the want to do but not sure if they can, or able to do it, and sometime as well who they want to be.

Some of them spoke about their doubts with me or a decision they wanted to take… And then, every time, I was answering :

You don’t ask you the good question ! The good one is « why not ? »

And then, they were thinking for a while to this new approach to their problem, and most of the time they answered me:

« Yes, you’re right. Why not ?  »  Let’s try !


Now, I’m gonna give you a concret exemple :

During my kung fu retreat in Paï, Thailand, I was sharing my room with a Swiss girl. She was a mannequin and a yoga teacher. She was there for 2 weeks but didn’t really want to leave. Furthermore, she was very interested by the kung-fu teacher program. And then we spoke together about it. She told me she wasn’t sure it was a good idea, because she already had some project in with fashion, and wasn’t sure she could do it.

I just told her the same thing as I wrote earlier, you want to do it, so you don’t ask you the good question. I mean, if it’s really what you want to do, you should ask you « why not ? ». And then, the day fter, she left the kung-fu retreat, to go back home in kuala Lumpur…

One week after that, I was riding my motorbike around Paï, when I saw her. I stopped, and we had a short chat. And then she told me « I was in my home in Kuala Lumpur, and was thinking about you. You were right, « why not? ». »

Today, she’s engaged in a 6 months training program, and she’s still in Paï, learning kung-fu to become a kung-fu master.


So why not trying ?

What are we afraid of ? To fail, so what ? It just would be a lesson, but at least we tried !

What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger !


Mark Twain said       « In the next 20 years, you will more regret what you didn’t do than what you did do ! »



And you, what do you want to do you’ve never dared ??

About the author: snookmam

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